❯ Education
James Madison University | Graduated Magna Cum Laude, May 2016 with a B.S. in Geographic Science, dual concentrated in Applied Geographic Science (AGIS) and Environmental Conservation, Sustainability, & Development (ECSD) | Cumulative GPA: 3.7 | Major GPA: 3.9
❯ Honors & Awards
- 1st Place, Geospatial Technology Awards, JMU GTSC, Spring 2016
- Ultimate Geographer, JMU GS Faculty Award, Spring 2016
- President: Gamma Theta Upsilon (Geographic Honor Society), Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
- President’s List: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2014 | Dean’s List: Spring 2014
❯ Professional Experience
Booz | Allen | Hamilton, Northern Virginia
- GIS & Remote Sensing Specialist July 2016-current
Center for International Stabilization and Recovery (CISR), Harrisonburg, VA
- Humanitarian GIS work, Aug 2015 - May 2016; worked with professor Paul Rittenhouse to develop a tool using ArcGIS Online for use in demining efforts
- Assisted in CISR's international Senior Manager's Course; worked with a group of 21 senior managers from 13 different countries to demonstrate applications of GIS
- Traveled to Vietnam to collaborate with the Norwegian People’s Aid; produced a beta GIS product which increased efficiency and reduced errors of cluster bomb surveys
Maps for Publications, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
- Harrisonburg reference map, Jun-July 2016; worked for professors Henry Way and David Ehrenpreis to produce a powerful reference map for their historical nonfiction book
- La Gonave reference maps, Aug-May 2016; worked for professor Mary Kimsey to produce data layers and maps for the Haitian island La Gonave
Booz | Allen | Hamilton, Crystal City, VA
- Geospatial internship, May-Aug 2015; learned to work within the BAH network, assisted on client projects, received security training
Teaching Assistantships, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
- Cartography under Dr. MeiMei Lin, Aug-Dec 2015; tutored students on effective cartography; graded maps and labs
- Biogeography under Dr. Amy Goodall, Jan-May 2015; led class on species identification surveys; graded quizzes and labs
- Physical Geography under Dr. Amy Goodall, Aug-Dec 2014; tutored students in class; graded quizzes and labs
United States Department of Agriculture, Harrisonburg, VA
- GIS internship, Jan-May 2015; assisted in land classifications, organized geodatabases
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), Manassas, VA
- Project Management internship, Jun-Jul 2014; learned multi-dimensional project management using milestones and tasks tracked in Microsoft Project and Sharepoint
- Received security training and operated in a secure environment
❯ Relevant Coursework
GIS and Spatial Analysis classes: Geospatial Tools I, Spatial Thinking and Problem Solving, Introduction to GIS, GIS for Humanitarian Assistance
- Learned about projection importance, geodatabase management, raster vs. vector data, spatial correlation/autocorrelation, georeferencing, digitizing, appropriate classification, and a variety of geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS
- Used ArcGIS Online to create online interactive webmaps as well as design online feature services for data collection
Remote Sensing classes: Geospatial Tools II, Principles of Remote Sensing, Processing Remotely Sensed Data
- Learned about a variety of raster data including multispectral/hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR, as well as processing techniques such as DSM and DTM generation, supervised, unsupervised and object-oriented classifications
- Performed advanced processing techniques using PCI Geomatica & ArcGIS
Cartography & Information Visualization classes: Cartography & Geospatial Visualization, Advanced Cartography
- Learned about optimum map balance and layout, the appropriate use of projection, color and detail, and the dichotomy between data exploration and data presentation
- Designed a variety of thematic maps for different situations and data types
- Maps created in ArcGIS and styled using Photoshop and Illustrator
Web Mapping class: Internet GIS
- Created interactive online maps with HTML, CSS, jQuery, Leaflet API, and Mapbox
Coding class: Python Programming
- Learned to use classes, loops, reading/writing to text or Excel files, and plugins such as ArcPy to automate GIS processes
Intelligence Analysis class: Predicting Conflict
- Learned information gathering and organization techniques, structured analytic techniques, “bottom-line, up-front” presentation style, intelligence report writing and conflict prediction techniques
❯ Applied GIS Projects
Interactive Campus Web Map, Apr 2015
- Part of a team which developed an interactive web map for JMU
- Wrote map code using Leaflet API, collected data with ArcGIS Online
Genealogy Map for John More Association, Nov 2014
- Spatial analysis of current living descendants of John More for the John More Association (JMA, a non-profit genealogical association)
- Utilized the sensationalist style of persuasive mapping
- Designed as an informational sensationalist-style persuasive map to both inform and provoke interest in the organization
Historic Preservation Mapping GPS Project, Apr-May 2014
- Coordinated with a team of 8 JMU students to map the New Town cemetery for the national registry with the purpose of preserving historic status
- Operated survey-grade Trimble GPS units (GeoXH); created data dictionary
- Developed presentation to describe methods and results
❯ Technical Skills
Proficient with:
- ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop, ArGIS Online
- Remote sensing software: PCI Geomatica
- Adobe products including Illustrator and Photoshop, particularly when referring to cartography, design and data visualization
Familiar with:
- Coding: Python, HTML, CSS, JS (jQuery)
- Open source software: QGIS, Mapbox Studio, Inkscape and Gimp
- Trimble products including Pathfinder Office and survey-grade GPS units